Our Philosophy
We believe board composition is a critical part of corporate strategy. Board composition impacts performance, risk oversight, employee recruitment and retention, and innovation. Diversity in gender, skills, experience, age, and nationality can all contribute to long-term sustainable growth.
We encourage companies to consider how each new appointment fills a skills gap, improves diversity, and strengthens risk oversight. We believe the 2030 target for 30% women on boards is achievable. We encourage companies to be leaders, not laggards and have a multi-year succession plan. We understand that each new board appointment is a significant decision and would like to support your needs.
JBDN Strengths
Largest Global Network for Japan​
The JBDN is a global network of Japanese and non-Japanese women with experience, skills, and a desire for strengthening corporate governance in Japan. Members include current board directors and board-ready candidates. Members reside in Japan and overseas.
Candidate Selection by a
Corporate Governance Expert​
With a deep understanding of the role and responsibilities of board directors, global trends in board composition, investor voting trends, and demands, the JBDN is able to recommend candidates who can contribute to long-term sustainable corporate value.
Skills-Based Strategic Recommendations
We focus on searches for candidates with critical expertise that will strengthen your board. We recommend candidates with experience in management, legal, financial, technology, start-up, DX, ESG, and more. Most candidates have international experience.
Board Director Search Services
If you are considering diverse candidates (female/foreigners) for board appointments at your next annual meeting, please contact us so that we may discuss your needs. We want to hear your current business challenges and risks. We want to support you with any critical skills gaps. We want to support your efforts to improve corporate governance.
Our Services:
Analysis of current board composition and skills matrix.
Clarify the skills needed to strengthen the board of directors.
Candidate criteria advice based on company strategy.
Candidate search based on company needs.
Thought Leadership
Thought Leadership on Board Composition
Who's on Board? Does it Matter?
CLSA May 2023
Four Principles for Board Composition
Proxy Watcher TV
Thought Leadership on Board Diversity
3 Merits
3 Misunderstandings
3 Expectations of Investors
See our full media page here.